This proportion aid is for gallon containers and will help you add the correct amount of concentrate to water. All you need to do is remove the lid of your gallon container and attach the proportion aid and then squeeze the container sending the concentrated cleaner into the top where you can see how many ounces you will be adding to your water. As long as you know the amount of water you are using, you will then be able to add just the right amount of concentrate. The easiest way to do this is to use a bucket with gallon markings on it. If your bucket doesn't have markings, take the time to measure how much water your bucket holds by filling it with empty gallon jugs or using a measuring cup. Then mark your bucket yourself with an indelible marker.
Measuring concentrated cleaner/disinfectants properly is extremely important. Too little product and you may not be killing the germs you want to kill. Too much product is wasteful, costs you money and may make your surfaces tacky and more likely to attract dust and dirt.